Broad network categories

Broad network categories

There are two broad network categories,
  1. 1) Peer-To-Peer(P2P) Networks - Peer-To-Peer networks involve two or more computers pooling individual resources such as disk drives. Each computer acts as both the client and the server, These computers can directly communicate with the other computers. On a peer-to-peer network, for example, a scanner on one computer can be used by any other computer on the network.
  2. P2P networks are cheap to set up. Its connection type can be by using Ethernet cable or a Wi-Fi router.

2) Client-Server Networks - This involves multiple client networks which are connected to at least a central server on network where, applications are installed.

      Clients need access to these server resources, they can access them only from the server. Servers often have private user directories for special users (Example, Windows has Work folders for Special users). Client-server networks tend to have faster access speeds because of the large number of clients they are designed to support.

        The clients are also allowed to function as workstations without sharing any resources network. It is easier to upgrade software applications and files because it held on a single Server computer. System-wide services can be provided through the server software.


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