• What is network?

A Network is a group of more computer systems which are grouped together. It also consists of a collection of computers, printers and other devices that are connected together.

  • The Basic Types Of Network

1.          LAN - LAN stands for Local Area Network. It's used to connect computers within a limited area like offices, schools by using the network media.
2.          CAN - Campus Area Network is an interconnection of local area networks  within a limited geographical area. Campus Network can be additional to the set of wireless connections, connect several buildings to the same network but it is not the same thing. A CAN is smaller than a wide area network.
Example, Corporate office, University etc. have inter connected administrative building.


3.            MAN - MAN means Metropolitan Area Network, which optimized for a larger geographic area than a LAN, ranging from several blocks of buildings to entire city.
4.            WAN - WAN is Wide Area Network that is a network connection of wide area such as the world. Example - Internet.

5.            PAN - PAN is a personal area network which is referred to the interconnection of information technology devices mostly up to 10 meters. These interconnected devices  include laptop computers, mobile phones, printers or other computer devices. It is also known as a wireless personal area network .


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